السبت، 28 أبريل 2012


In a company with only 25 employees, is there less need for job description? Why or why not?
   Whether it is a small company or a big company, a job description should be the same for all positions and each employee. A job description is needed so that everyone is clear on what their duties, responsibilities, and authority are, and what they are not.

Now day's a job description is very important it gives clarity to concern employee about his or her work what he /she supposed to do, direct reporting or indirect reporting as well as his/her primary or secondary responsibilities.
Because all employees like to know what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated. Job descriptions can also be a great value to employers. Creating a job description often results in a thought process that helps determine how critical the job is, how this particular job relates to others and identify the characteristics needed by a new employee filling the role. A job description typically outlines the necessary skills, training and education needed by a potential employee. It will spell out duties and responsibilities of the job. Once a job description is prepared, it can serve a basis for interviewing candidates, orienting a new employee and finally in the evaluation of job performance.
Using job descriptions is part of good management. 

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